Edroar Progress Updates


     Okay gang here's the deal.  I really appreciate your support so much. My family was dealt a crushing catastrophic blow a few days before Christmas. My father in law has a very aggressive terminal illness that  blindsided us completely. He is not doing well. My family is NOT doing well. There is a lot of tears and anxiety surrounding me right now. I'm normally an anxious neurotic person and I'm  just trying to keep it together. I work at a college and was planning to start grad school at the end of this month. That will not be happening since my head is not in it right now

     I am still writing. I'm an insanely slow writer during the best of times as we all know. I know  it sucks when you get hooked on a story and it takes the author a ridiculous amount of time to update. I understand totally if you need to flounce. I don't understand why some people need  to verbally attack me when they do so. Tonight I decided to delete the malicious reviews. I'm all for freedom of speech, but I'm not going to be a whipping post anymore.  

   With all that being said. I AM still writing. I promise you. I have not abandoned Edroar or the fandom. I adore you guys. You're my sanity. I'm going through a difficult time as I'm sure many of you can understand no one's life is without tough times. I consider the fandom an extended family so that's why I wanted to let you know what's been going on for me. If however you  feel the need to lash out at me because I haven't updated I will delete it. I  seriously don't need the added stress right now.

     I'm so sorry to disappoint you guys with the long time it's taking me to get this chapter to you. I'm at 4,288 words right now.  I'll put a small teaser here. I know it's not nearly enough. I swear I have an outline and know where this crazy tale is going. I hope you guys all had a great Holiday.  Thank you SO much for supporting me at my lowest. It seriously means so much. I can't even tell you.  

Edroar Teaser:

“So, what kind of music do you like?” I held up a hand.  “Wait don’t tell me.  I want to see if I can figure it out on my own.”

“Always so inquisitive.” He shot me a side glance before returning his eyes to the road.

 “Well, we've established you’re not a fan of Sir-Mix- A lot.” I deduced, eyeing him in deep thought.

“Hardly.” He pushed down on the gas pedal, causing my head to fall back against the seat.

My mind ran through every possible musical genre, yet none seemed to suit him, but that would be impossible. Who didn't appreciate music?

I snorted at the thought.

“Something funny?” Edward asked; his eyes set straight ahead.

“No, frightening actually.” I shivered for effect. “I can’t seem to place your musical preference and...” I trailed off, unable to finish the blasphemous thought aloud.


“Never mind.” I shook my head. “Just tell me what you like. I can’t believe how difficult you are to read.”

“I’m not difficult to read at all.” He paused while taking a sharp turn with precision. “Music holds no interest to me.”

My eyes shot up to his in horror. He could not be serious. The car came to a halt as I sat there staring at him



Hi all! I'm at 3,595 words of chapter 16 now. On the second of three scenes. I wish I could be a faster writer for you guys and for myself. All I can do is keep trying. But I can't force it on days that it's just not there. I've tried and it doesn't work. I completely understand if you lose interest in Edroar since I'm an absurdly slow writer. There are so many good authors in the fandom that can pump out quality chapters on a regular and reliable basis. Oh how I wish I was one of them...I am not. I am in no way abandoning the story or writing, but I just have to be honest. I will always strive to be better and HATE letting people down. Anyway with all that being said I have a few hours before I have to be at my aunt's for a holiday gathering and am going to spend those hours with the Lion. I'm in the middle of a scene that I can already see played out in my head. They just keep throwing me curve balls and I guess I have to get better at catching them and going with the flow. Hope all is well for all of you. This week has been full of tragedy and heartbreak. It's made me realize the fandom is an irreplaceable source of good friends and incredible support. I'm so grateful to be a part of it. I may have never met most of you, but I have a strong connection to you all..not in a creepy way. Well, maybe just a little, but I promise I won't look in your windows at night. I only do that during the day...kidding. I do it on full moons. Okay, I'll shut up and go play with the Lion.  Oh, the pic above is a gift I got my hubby for Christmas. He plays WoW like a maniac and apparently you can buy virtual pets for the game and they come with a stuffed animal counterpart. Could not resist getting him the Lion. Now I have a physical version of the Tyrant to remind me to get my butt in gear. Own worst enemy...gah! 


I've been writing a couple hundred words each night this week. I tweaked like a maniac and still don't feel the vibe is quite what I want it to be, but it's getting closer and closer. I'm so sorry for the ridiculous delay. I'll keep you posted as I go. I'm at 1,852 words right now. So I still have a ways to go before this chapter is finished. However,  I am on vacation the week of Thanksgiving, so I'm determined to get a lot of productive Lion time in. Thanks so much guys for the support. I know it's frustrating to wait so long. I really wish I didn't get so caught up on details when I write. Gaah it's really maddening.  Your kind words keep me going.  (((HUG)))


I SUCK!! It just took me 2 hours to write 134 words...of crap. I can see the scene in my head just like a movie, but trying to get it out in words the way I see it is such a struggle. I could smash my head against the wall right now. Maybe tomorrow it will flow more easily. It's so freaking frustrating!! 

11/6/12 - I'm off from work today and tomorrow. I have just released Edroar from his cage and am prepared to write my butt off!  Hopefully the Writing Mojo Gods are with me. I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you SO much for the support and Lion love. Just when I think you guys can't rock any harder you DO! 


  1. How soon??? I'm dying!!!!

  2. Really loving this story...please update soon.

  3. I'm like.. please let there be a make out scene

  4. It's feeding time!!! C'mon!!!!

  5. Hmmm... This song is in my head - Prey 4 love Ed..roar??:>

  6. I'm obsessed with Your story, now my dreams are made of Edroar and Bella.
    You can do it! just don't think you suck.
    I prescribe you Natasha Bedingfiels song Unwrriten, it helps me so perhaps it will do it's magic for you :D


    1. Oh I am totally checking out that song. I need all the help I can get. Music definitely helps my frame of mind. Thanks so much it's really appreciated. I'm so sorry for the wait. I've been writing. I swear. (((HUGG)))

  7. Tell me how is it going.. the writing?

  8. I'm happy that you don't call us bunch of crazy people who keep harassing you over and over again about Edroar :D We are just a little...odd?? Ok.. Crazy but we love you, becouse you make us forget about everything else.. Ok, maybe it's only me.. Never mind
    I'm elated.. or will be when you update. and then I'll be doing crazy things, like making love to that next chapter or whatever :D
    Till we meet again Lion< hihihi>
    Yeah, I'm odd :D

    1. Your post just made my day. If anyone is crazy around here its definitely me. lol. Normal people are SO dull. Thanks so much for the support. It means so much. You have no idea. :-)

  9. La la la la la la.. Update? or not Update that is the question :d

  10. AW honey I'm sorry you feel so much pressure to crank out the chapters but remember you wouldn't get the reactions that you're getting if we didn't think your work was brilliant. Good luck ((HUG))

    1. AWWW that is so kind. I wish I felt that way. Gaah I seriously hate every word I write. I must be a sadist because I keep writing. lol. Thanks so much for the sweet words. I hope all is well for you. (((HUG)))

    2. No problem dear. I hate to say this (I REALLY, REALLY do) but maybe you should just take time away from Edroar; not wrestling with your words or thinking about the crazies hounding you for an update (myself included)just a personal day or two, however long you need really to reboot. You seem to be suffocated by Edroar right now, it just might work to take a breather, decompress and return refreshed and with perspective you know? Anyway good luck again, ((HUG))

  11. HI, how is Edroar coming along?

  12. I feel as though I should let go of this fic...and then come back in 5 years time. Maybe you'll have it done then. LOL. 134 words in two hours?! haha. that's actually pretty funny. good luck trying to finish the fic., I can tell it's going to be a slooooowwwww burn. Have you thought about getting a co-writer? Or something? It's such a shame because this is a good fic, but I wish I'd never read it in the first place. This one is on me...

    1. Sorry to disappoint you. I definitely feel as though you should let go of this fic and I should let go of anonymous comments like yours that take jabs at me from behind a Silhouetted avi. I understand that it sucks when authors take a ridiculous amount of time to update. I read fic. I get that. I've apologized for it full heartily. I've created an area on my blog to keep readers in the loop about it. I've pulled my hair out and banged my head against the wall over it. If you can't wait I totally understand. I more than understand. Trust me. I mean it's been months and months since the last update. That shit is annoying. Believe me I know. But what I don't know is why you feel the need to lash out at me before you go? I just don't get that. Do you think I like letting readers down? Do you think it feels good to have words bubbling inside me that just...won't ...come..out? Laughing at someone when they're down I don't get. But whatever. I guess that's on me...

  13. PS-I predict that the next update will be sometime next year.

  14. Patience people or I'll kick your arse! Give the girl time to think about what she want to write or else ^^
    Patience is virtue girls/boys(who knows) so be like a virgin!

  15. I LOVE THIS STORY! I check if you've updated everyday but alas I feel a crushing blow to the stomach every time. I completely understand that you want the story to be perfect and I know the longer I wait the better it'll be, although the suspense is killing me. Definitely the best fanfic I've read. Please don't give up on it, I need my dose of Edroar :)

  16. Is it true?? next update next year??

  17. I love that you like to be as happy as possible with a chap before you post it. It's one of the reaons your writing stands out so much. Chin up, poppet.

    Esme Brett

    1. Thanks Esme! That is so nice of you to say. LOVE the word poppet. Gaaaah

  18. I started reading fanfic in March & yours was one of the first couple that I read!! I loved it then and have been patiently waiting for you update. I did a jig when you updated over the summer and will happily dance again when you update again!!! I love your story, so take your time & enjoy what your doing cause we will be here not matter what!!!
    <3 MK

  19. Please Nest Week update :) Pretty Please

  20. next year?? I'll be crying for so long..

  21. I can't wait to find out where these two will take us! This story is AMAZING and you are extremely talented. Your story is so much more unique than any other fanfictions out there right now. I've reread your story and it never gets old! Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


  23. No updates in the update section...what was the point of this again?

  24. Keep at it, I for one will still be here waiting!

  25. Ho Ho ho.. Hope? Christmas Hope

  26. I simply love your story , it always makes my day and totaly worth the wait.

  27. I truly, truly hate the fact that you've allowed us the chance to enter into this world, but yet people are hating on you for not updating fast enough. Honestly, I'll wait for as long as I have to for your update because this fic has got to be one of my favorites! Sometimes, life gets in the way or writing can get hard, and that's the best thing about fanfiction! There isn't a deadline! Take your time, girly. I'll always be a reader :)

  28. Please, please, please, please, please, please,please,please,please, please, please, please,please, please, please, please, please, please< beg >

  29. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Ignore the negative comments - they are in the minority. You have always been straight forward with us on your frequency in updates. You have a great story that is worth the wait, and I look forward to the next chapter, whenever it may be ready. - sarasparks

  30. I believe it's a little over the six month anniversary of the last update. I will celebrate by sobbing over my laptop and knocking back a couple glasses of red wine. Cheers!

  31. Why, oh why?? Please Update.. like this week :]

  32. Can't you just publish what you do have?

  33. Why are you guys so negative and critical? I am currently reading a few stories that haven't update in almost a year, and when I go to the reader comments on those stories people are encouraging. Did you ever think that all these negative comments are doing nothing to help?

  34. How are you?? Is everything ok ?
    You are ok, right?

  35. I hope you dish out a update soon. Sometimes I get angry over slow updating fics, but then I think these guys and girls are giving us stories to read free of cost, they take time out of their schedule to write something amazing for us and then we should appreciate them. I lash out stories, which have terrible writing and no story and writers thinks our analysis about their story is "fucking stupid". But you are actually writing an amazing story and even apologizing for not updating it, and I think thats great, not you apologizing but that you care for your readers. Have fun writing edroar and kickassella, just as much fun we have by reading them,which by the way is lot.

  36. I hope your father in law gets well soon. No matter how long the wait is, I will still be your loyal reader.And just wanted to say thank you for sharing this story with us. I hope this hard time gets over soon, and here is a virtual hug from me.Well because hugs always me feel better and I hope my hug makes you feel better.

  37. Hi, how is it going?? Is it Better now?

  38. Better? It's almost been a year.....wish you the best

  39. Hope all is well. Will there be an update soon?

  40. Has this story been abandoned? Will there be an update anytime soon? It's been five months. . .before that it was a long time between updates.


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